The STN High Viewability Player

Viewability is a common term in the digital advertising world. It’s becoming a primary focus of advertisers and should be of key concern to publishers. In the digital video sphere, the leading governing body in advertising (IAB) says that for an impression to be viewable, 50% of its pixels must be in view for at least 2 seconds. These measurements are now industry standard which has made viewability a top priority for digital advertisers.

There are several tactics a publisher can take to improve their viewability. STN recommends consistent and habitual placement, combined with premium above the fold positioning. However, the industry is now seeing KPIs for 70%, 80% and even 100% viewability. Combined with habitual user scrolling, it becomes increasingly important for publishers to meet these requirements and benefit from the high CPMs they offer.

To help publishers increase viewability and significantly improve revenue, SendtoNews is in the final stages of developing its High Viewability Player. The STN HV Player begins as high placement video content, and then transitions and follows the user while they scroll down the page. Viewability is drastically improved as the player remains on screen through the full user experience letting publishers take advantage of the high CPMs that STN provides for viewability focused campaigns.

To improve your CPMs further, the High Viewability Player can be set to auto-play, which yields significantly more impressions than a play-on-view or click-to-play setting. More impressions and higher CPMs translate to a marked increase in revenue for SendtoNews publishing partners.

HV or “sticky” players are used by CNN, The Daily Mail and New York Daily News. Compared to traditional players, they have seen upwards of 94% viewability, are able to consistently meet advertisers KPIs and have provided increased revenue.

The STN High Viewability player is fully customizable, giving the publisher control of both size and location of transition. The player won’t interfere with existing ad units and has user controls available for increased functionality.

The STN HV Player will be ready for launch in early 2017 and a demo can be found HERE. Email for the opportunity to beta test with your CMS.


David Davies
VP, Corporate Communications
Toll-free: 855-590-1991

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